Glass Fiber Wrapping

Glass Fiber Wrapping

Glass Fiber Wrapping – the best way to restore structure and to regain design strength.

Glass Fiber Wrapping is effective when the concrete due to corrosion loses its strength. For the loss in capacity, the glass fiber can be used to regain strength, or when there is demand for a change in the structure. Still adhering to load-carrying capacity, the glass fiber wrapping is very effective.

Though glass fiber is less brittle than carbon fiber, yet it can rehabilitate and retrofit the structures. Glass fiber wrapping is less expensive than carbon fiber.

Advantages Of Glass Fiber Wrapping

  • Glass fiber is more ductile which aids in rehabilitation and retrofitting of structures.
  • Glass Fiber is cheaper than carbon fiber
  • Can be applied against seismic activity
  • Glass fiber is lightweight and can withstand any weather conditions
  • Highly resistant to chemicals, water and other conditions.
  • Good tensile strength and good resistant qualities
  • Glass fiber is easy to adjust and fit existing components in a way that ensures structural strengthening.
  • Good protection against corrosion
  • Low maintenance cost

We at JKS Engineering, assure the glass fiber to be of high quality, which helps in constructing durable structures with low maintenance cost.